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California Dental Insurance on Water Flossers

08/07/23 6:47 AM

Pros and Cons of using Water Flossers: 

Here are some good pros and cons to consider when using Water Flossers instead of flossing. Pros:  Water Flossers are effective; they can be faster to use the flossing. Water Flossers usually comes with multiple wands and different colors so different family member can have their own, just like a toothbrush. Great for braces, Flossing with braces can be difficult. Orthodontic dentists often suggest Water Flossers. Adjustable water pressure, You can get cordless Water Flossers. Water Flossers are suitable for people who may not floss well or have gum issues. Anything that will make you take care of your teeth and gums better is helpful. 

Cons: Cost can be a factor since they can run as high as $50 – $60. They brake down, some not even lasting a year, depending on how well you take care of them. It takes work always to see what you are doing, which can cause you to make a mess. Looking in the mirror can also be difficult as the spray tends to go where you are looking. They can be too noisy. Water Flossers take up to much counter space, which is terrible if you have a small bathroom. If you are not careful, you spend more time cleaning the sink and countertops from water mess. If you are not careful, they may, over time, loosen bridge and crown work. Overuse, like anything, can cause more harm than good so make sure you use it as directed. If you are trying to figure out what is best for oral health care, talk to your dentist and see what they suggest. Having sound advice from your dentist is worth taking in and thinking about as a deciding factor

Posted on 08/07/23 6:47 AM | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance on Water Flossers

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